6月11日の GoogleのCloud Performance Manager(Anthony Voellm氏)の講演の内容が決定しました。

6月 11日の講演の詳細が確定しました。講演では、Voellm氏にクラウドパフォーマンスの可視化について存分語っていただきます。PerfKitBenchmarkerについての日本語の記事はこちらを御覧ください。今回もYouTubeでのライブ配信を予定していますが、比較的、少人数の参加者がみこまれるため、濃いディスカッションを英語で行うことになると思います。みなさん、奮ってご参加ください。申し込みは https://sijp-cloudperformance.eventbrite.com からお願い致します。


SIJP Lecture Series: “PerfKit: Benchmarking the Cloud” by Anthony Voellm (Cloud Performance Manager at Google)

Abstract — This talk will cover a quick intro into Cloud and then focus on how to measure and compare cloud performance. Central to the talk will be a discussion of PerfKitBenchmarker an OpenSource Cloud benchmarking effort Google is leading. It has over 33+ companies and intuitions participating including Stanford, MIT, EPFL, Microsoft, Rackspace, Intel, and ARM. It is also the #3 most popular Google Cloud Platform OpenSource Github project. If you develop for the Cloud or plan to this talk will give you a lot to think about and employer you to make better decisions.

Bio — Anthony F. Voellm is currently leading the Google Cloud Performance Team and has a wide range of experience from kernel and database engines to graphics and automated image and map extraction from satellite images. Anthony is an avid inventor with 7 technology patents issued.  In his current role at Google Anthony is focused on delivering Price Performance to existing products like Google Compute Engine and Google Cloud Storage while also innovating new offerings. Anthony holds a Master of Science from George Washington University, BA in Physics and a BS in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Vermont.

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